Legal Guardian

One year ago, this resident could not walk, was only crawling on the floor, made noises continually, and had chronic, infected leg sores. It took her 20 minutes to walk 500 feet to a car, and she could not get into the car or adjust the seatbelt without help. She was, basically, a person without physical control. She had back and leg pain, misused prescription drugs, and had to use a bathroom every fifteen minutes.

Today, when her niece picked her up, this resident walked to the car, got in herself, and buckled the seat belt without a problem. She never once complained about pain, never once perseverated about leaving Wayside, never once complained about staff. Her niece describes this resident as a “new person” from whom they knew and credits Wayside with her progress. She feels it is “miraculous.”

With everything Waysider have experienced in the past 16 months, I feel it is so important that you hear a “success” story from a family member! Of course, it may all change tomorrow with this resident, but, for this email, it is GOOD!


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